Hawaii Historic Arms Association Gun Show Post Report

Members of Trout Unlimited Chapter #403

Waikahe ‘Olu Trout Unlimited had two display tables at the Gun Show this past September. I spent two days talking about our chapter, what we were involved with on Kauai and some of the fishing adventures when we go to Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and New New Zealand.

The Gun show had over 1500 people attend each day and I talked until my voice ran out. Donna Gonzalez and Joe Strona also helped me at the booth for both days. No other members of our chapter showed up to support the chapter and that was a little disappointing. The show is held every 6 months.

It is important that in the sporting community we “fly-the-flag” so to speak and let people know we have a presence in the fishing and scientific world here in Hawaii. If you are interested in the next show for next year, please let me know. You can contact me via email @ [email protected].That’s it for this blog report.


Waikahe Olu Trout UnlimitedDeane Gonzalez, Treasurer – Trout Unlimited Chapter #403 Honolulu, Hawaii

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Waikahe Olu Trout Unlimited

