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Embrace A Stream Program

Waikahe Olu Trout Unlimited

Embrace A Stream (EAS) is a matching grants program administered by Trout Unlimited Hawaii Chapter and is supported by Waikahe ‘Olu Trout Unlimited as well. We award funds to TU chapters and councils for coldwater fisheries conservation. Since its inception in 1975, EAS has funded more than 1,080 individual projects with more than $4.75 million in direct cash grants.

Current Status

Current Status

In 2018, a total of $123,000 was awarded to 29 chapters and councils, helping restore stream habitat, improve fish passages, and protect water quality in 19 different states from coast to coast.

The Embrace A Stream committee is comprised of Trout Unlimited Hawaii Chapter volunteers and scientific advisers. The committee evaluates all proposed projects and makes final funding decisions in the Fall, of each year. EAS Committee members are a valuable resource for potential grant seekers and should be a chapter or council’s first point of contact when considering an EAS application. Chapters and councils that receive money are often in contact with their EAS committee representative early and often.

Contribution of Local Chapters

Contribution of Local Chapters

Local Trout Unlimited Hawaii Chapter chapters and councils contributed an additional $14 million in cash and in-kind services to EAS funded projects, for a total investment of nearly $19 million.

Show that you care. Purchase our merchandise to donate to our cause.

For current updates on EAS projects, visit the EAS Facebook page and follow #embraceastream on Instagram and Facebook.
Need more information?