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August Blog

Aloha Trout Unlimited members of the Waikahe’olu Hawaii chapter.

I just returned from another great trip to Kauai.  I was up at the Kokee cabin from August 27th through September 7th and I had a number of project to complete.

First, I returned to the Pu’u Lau Reservoir to see what the locals were catching. Very few people there so late in the trout season as it closes on September 30th. Some trouts were jumping but not many folks were catching any. The reservoir water temperature was high. There is a NO “Catch and Release,” you catch them and you keep them! The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) says any released trout will not survive being released after catching, especially (and I can see why) since the locals drag them up on the bank.

I contacted some of our cabin neighbors up in Kokee to get the latest “Scoops” on any new developments in the area.  Luckily, DLNR and other state agencies are too much in involved in dealing with the pandemic, than deal with the “Kokee Cabin Lease Holders Association”. I can tell you it was pretty quiet up there in the forest.

I teamed up with Dave Limpert, a new Kauai Trout Unlimited Member. He is new to the area and he was interested in fishing for our Wild Hawaiian Rainbow Trout, so I invited him to take a hike with me. We went from the bridge crossing the Kauaikenana “UP” stream to check out the “Nursery Pool”. I call it that because it is a 100 yards “Hike” up-stream, and it is the largest pool in that section of the Kauaikenana. Water was 64 degrees, the pool was 6 foot deep, the water running clear, and I counted between 15 and 20 trout in that pool. All fat and happy and that is what we were looking for.

The weather was so beautiful, so I played “Tourist” and took him to see the Kalakau and Pihea lookout. Tourist were slipping and falling all over themselves due to the early Kokee Mist that had covered the dirt trail. I got some great videos and photos when the sun peaked out from the cloud cover. I never get tired of the majestic views from that 4,300 foot elevation and yes, it was CHILLY! I’m glad I brought my jacket.

I did the normal repair and up-keep required of the cabin. It is in the middle of the forest and there are tree limbs that come down that needed to be cut back. I also checked for any pig damage to our huge lawn. One night, I had a HUGE 300 lb. sow grunting out near the palm trees. I turned on my flash light and those little beady pig eyes lit up like a search light and she did not like that and made a bee line for the forest.  No damage done, mission accomplished.

I locked up the cabin and headed back down the mountain heading towards Lihue.  Caught an 11 a.m. flight back to Oahu and was home in Hawaii Kai by 3 pm.

I’ll be heading back to Kauai and be in the cabin from October 8th through the 18th. Any Trout Unlimited Member who wants to come up and have a place to stay in Kokee let me know. We got 6 bedrooms and 2 full baths.  You can see the Kokee Cabin on our website @ Rice Cabin. 

You can contact me via my email @ Deane Gonzales. However, you have to enjoy the QUIET, as there is nothing up there but the wind blowing through the Koa trees and the chickens and rooster with their early wake up calls. What would Kauai be without them to remind you it’s time to wake up!

Until the next blog report, Deane signing off!

Waikahe Olu Trout UnlimitedDeane Gonzalez, Treasurer TU Chapter #403

Pu’u Lau Reservior
Morning Mist on Spider Web, Rice Cabin
Ohi’a-Lehua Blossoms
Dave Limpert Exploring Upper Kauaikenana Stream
Wild Hawaiian Rainbow Trout Kauaikenana Stream
Tourists at Kalalau Lookout
Sunrise over the Waialae Cabin
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Pu'u Lau Reservior
Morning Mist on Spider Web, Rice Cabin
Ohi'a-Lehua Blossoms
Dave Limpert Exploring Upper Kauaikenana Stream
Wild Hawaiian Rainbow Trout Kauaikenana Stream
Tourists at Kalalau Lookout
Sunrise over the Waialae Cabin
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Waikahe Olu Trout Unlimited

