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February\March Update

Aloha Trout Unlimited Hawaii members

I just got back from Kauai where I was up at the Kokee Rice Cabin from February 24th through March 6th. We had a full cabin for 3 days while I was up there – 7 people.

Dr. Greg Lee (My Orthopedic surgeon from Kaiser) and his son Jake came up for a few days to explore Kokee. Also stopping by was Les Drent, his son and friend. Les is a Kauai resident who is a TU member and owns Blair estates.  Les supplies the cabin with his Kauai made products of Bourbon, cigars, and coffee! You can’t ask for more than that!  Mahalo Les!  Dr. David Rovinsky, also an orthopedic surgeon from Wilcox Hospital in Lihue spent time at the cabin.  David brought some great game meats (Wild boar, bear and caribou) so we had lots of medical professionals and we were on natural protein diet.   Thanks David for the ono grindz!

The weather was wet, the forest and trails were soaked, the streams running high but we did avoid some rain drops to accomplish some hiking and fishing.

I was able to guide Dr. Greg and his son on the Ditch man trail and then drop down to the Kauaikenana stream where Jake was able to catch and release 7 WILD Hawaiian Rainbow Trout.  This was the first Wild Hawaiian Rainbow Trout Jake had ever caught so he was stoked!!

With barb less hooks and never taking the trout out of the stream we were able to catch and release this valuable resource with little stress to the trout. They are back in the pool and will fight another day. Most of the trout were 10 to 14 inches with good color and yes, we did get some great photos of the hike and the fishing. The water temperature was 58 degrees, perfect “winter” conditions for the Kauaikenana stream area.

I plan to return to the Kokee cabin in April – dates not set yet but as soon as I know, will post back here.

Any active Hawaii Trout Unlimited member is welcome to come up to the cabin when I am there.  Just like Dr. Greg, Dr. Dave and Les Dent did this past trip. Stay at the cabin and hike and explore Kokee –

 Check out some of the photos from the last trip below.

I will continue to report on our Hawaii Trout Unlimited chapter’s activities using this blog to keep all our members up to date.

Signing off for now.

Waikahe Olu Trout UnlimitedDeane Gonzalez, Treasurer TU chapter # 403

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Puumau Canyon
Kauaikenana Stream, Kauai
Dr. Greg and Jake fishing Kauaikenana
Dr. Greg and Jake fishing Kauaikenana
Dr. Greg and Jake fishing Kauaikenana
Dr. Greg and Jake enjoying a meal
Dr. Greg hiking down to Kauaikenana stream
Dr. Greg
Drent family and Deane – Kauai
Kids sleeping by fireplace Kokee cabin.
Les & Dr. David over looking Puumau canyon Kauai
Les and Deane
Les Drent and Deane on canyon trail Kokee
Les Drent’s Kauai Bourbon & Cigar
Les, Dr. David and the kids and Deane
Oh My God Spot – Kauai
Puumau Canyon
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Puumau Canyon
Kauaikenana Stream, Kauai
Dr. Greg and Jake fishing  Kauaikenana
Dr. Greg and Jake fishing  Kauaikenana
Dr. Greg and Jake fishing  Kauaikenana
Dr. Greg and Jake enjoying a meal
Dr. Greg hiking down to  Kauaikenana stream
Dr. Greg
Drent family and Deane - Kauai
Kids sleeping by fireplace Kokee cabin.
Les & Dr. David over looking Puumau canyon Kauai
Les and Deane
Les Drent and Deane on canyon trail Kokee
Les Drent's Kauai Bourbon & Cigar
Les, Dr. David and the kids and Deane
Oh My God Spot - Kauai
Puumau Canyon
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Waikahe Olu Trout Unlimited

