Louie “The Fish” update

Greetings fellow Hawaii Trout Unlimited chapter # 403 members.

I have good news.  I talked to Louie “The Fish” and his surgery was successful and he is recuperating with his daughter at her home in California.

We expect Louie to be back in Hawaii the first week in December “Recuperating,” which requires bone fishing 3x’s a week – Dr’s orders!  Then, Louie will fly back to Taupo, New Zealand the first week of January 2021.

Louie is a resident of New Zealand but he will have to quarantine at a facility (detention center) for 2 weeks before he can go back to his house in Turangi.

All of you know Louie is “The Man” in New Zealand, whom we use for information on everything what is fishing well and what fly\equipment  to use.

We will be glad when he is back “In the game” hooking those big 8 to 12 pound Rainbows and browns.

Our trip down to New Zealand is still on for February 1 through the 28th 2021, if tourists are allowed into the country.  Only time will tell on this subject and I will keep you informed.  Be safe!


Waikahe Olu Trout UnlimitedDeane

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Waikahe Olu Trout Unlimited

